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I just realized I never finished posting my Chrysanthemum photos from last year. Somehow I keep finding more photos that I’ve edited and never shared with you here on my blog. So here they are – the last Chrysanthemum photos from 2012.

Indian Summer Chrysanthemums

Indian Summer Chrysanthemums

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Indian Summer Chrysanthemums

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Indian Summer Chrysanthemums

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Honeyglow – a PomPom Chrysanthemum

Honey Glow Pom Pom Chrysanthemum

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Honey Glow Pom Pom Chrysanthemum

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Encino – a spoon tip chrysanthemum

Encino - spoon tip chrysanthemum

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Artist Orange -a single semi-double chrysanthemum

Artist Orange - a single semi double chrysanthemum

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Artist Orange - a single semi double chrysanthemum

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Artist Orange - a single semi double chrysanthemum

© 2012 Patty Hankins

I really enjoyed photographing the chrysanthemums last year – and I’m looking forward to photographing more of them later this year.