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One of the varieties of peppers that I’ve photographed this fall are the Chinese Five Color Peppers – also known as Chinese Multi-Color Peppers. They are a variety of capiscum annuum. Originally from China, these peppers are edible – and very hot! As the peppers ripen, they change color from purple to cream to yellow to orange to red.

The first Chinese Five Color Pepper plant I photographed was at Longwood Gardens. Here’s a group of fully ripe red peppers.


(c) 2009 Patty Hankins

And a plant with all five colors of peppers

capsicum_annuum_chinese_5_color_peppers_9954(c) 2009 Patty Hankins

A few weeks later, I photographed another set of Chinese Five Color Peppers at the National Arboretum in Washington DC. The ones at the Arboretum are part of the Pepper Collection.

A cluster of purple peppers, with a few that have already changed color

pepper_capsicum_annuum_chinese_5_color_2069(c) 2009 Patty Hankins

This group has several that are in the processes of changing colors as they ripen.

pepper_capsicum_annuum_chinese_5_color_2000(c) 2009 Patty Hankins

And finally, a  group of peppers of all colors growing on one of the larger pepper plants.

pepper_capsicum_annuum_chinese_5_color_2032(c) 2009 Patty Hankins