While exploring the Conservatory at Longwood Gardens on a recent visit, I was amazed to come across some Fragrant Ladies’ Tresses (Spiranthes odorata) growing beneath the ferns. Ladies’ Tresses are a native orchid, which I’ve never seen growing indoors. They are a fall blooming orchid – that can grow from Eastern Canada and south along the East Coast of the US.
This first photo – taken in the Longwood Conservatory – shows the plants with some blossoms flowering, and some not yet open. It gives a nice view of the structure of the plant.
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
Later the same day, as I was photographing some of the leaves in Pierce’s Woods at Longwood Gardens, I spotted a few Fragrant Ladies’ Tresses growing under some trees and along the stream. As I looked more closely – I discovered there were several groups and even a few large patches of the native orchids growing in the same area. Here are some of my favorite photos of the Fragrant Ladies’ Tresses.
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
A few closeup photos showing details of the plants
Two stalks with a full set of blossoms
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
One of the blossoms
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
View from above showing the spiral stalk and flower pattern
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
As I was photographing one last set of Ladies’ Tresses, a large bee flew over and started exploring the plants. One of the Longwood’s educational themes this year has been pollinators – this bee certainly was paying attention and was busy polinating the flowers while searching for nectar.
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
Finding and photographing the Fragrant Ladies’ Tresses was definitely one of the highlights of my visit to Longwood Gardens. Now that I know what they look like, and where they’re likely to be growing, I’ll keep my eye out for more of these wonderful native orchids.
Thanks for this.
I will be adding this gorgeous plant to my list of plants to buy. As you will see from some of my older blog posts I grow many terrestrial orchids and this would suit part of my garden perfectly!!
Great post!
We were at Longwood about the same time and noticed these orchids. I would love to find a source for them, (we live in Iowa) but google does not seem to reveal much, even though it did find your post.
Patty, those are absolutely stunning photos, well up to professional standard.
Philip, you need to search for Spiranthes cernua f. odorata v. ‘Chadd’s Ford’. It is now becoming quite popular here in the UK, retailing in garden centres for about £4.50 in a 3.5 inch pot.
Would love to include one of your lovely images of this orchid in an educational exhibit along a trail in Florida.
Please contact me about this opportunity.
Lovely images!