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On my recent visit to the New York Botanical Garden to the Georgia O’Keeffe show featuring her paintings from Hawaii, I had the chance to photograph some wonderful flowers in addition to the hibiscus and lotus photographs I’ve already shared. The New York Botanical Garden does an amazing job coordinating their flowers to go with their annual art exhibitions. Here are a few more of the flowers on display as part of the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit.

Pink Dahlia © 2018 Patty Hankins

Pink Dahlia © 2018 Patty Hankins


Firecracker Flower © 2018 Patty Hankins

Firecracker Flower © 2018 Patty Hankins


Firecracker Flower © 2018 Patty Hankins

Firecracker Flower © 2018 Patty Hankins


Mexican Sunflower © 2018 Patty Hankins

Mexican Sunflower © 2018 Patty Hankins


Bougainvillea © 2018 Patty Hankins

Bougainvillea © 2018 Patty Hankins


Water Lilies © 2018 Patty Hankins

Water Lilies © 2018 Patty Hankins


Water Lilies © 2018 Patty Hankins

Water Lilies © 2018 Patty Hankins


Water Lilies © 2018 Patty Hankins

Water Lilies © 2018 Patty Hankins

I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my photos from my trip to the New York Botanical Garden.