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I’m still exploring processing some of my flower photographs as black and whites. I’m finding that by converting the photos to B&W, I’m better able to see the textures and structures of the flowers. I’ve always been attracted to color – so when I take the colors out of a photo – I’m able to see – and appreciate other details.

Here are a few more of my black and white flower photos – hope you enjoy them.

Calla Lilies. By converting this photo to B&W, I was able to show the continuing line between the leaf and the blossom in a way that I couldn’t in the color version.

Calla Lilies

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Pink Charm Dadffodils. Without the color – the center details of the daffodil seem to pop a bit more giving a greater sense of three dimensions to the flowers.

Pink Charm Daffodil

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Mexican Flowering Dogwoods. Again – the b&w really shows off the structure of the flowers. In the color version – the green of leaves drew my eye away from the blossoms.

Mexican Flowering Dogwood

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Kousa Dogwood. In the B&W version I was able to bring out the ribbing detail in the petals more than I could in the color version.

Kousa Dogwood

© 2012 Patty Hankins

Snowdrops. I love the sense of repetition and pattern in the B&W version of the photos. Without the shades of green, the photo becomes about the shapes.


© 2012 Patty Hankins

Snowflakes. Like the snowdrops – in B&W, I became much more aware of the shapes and repetition in the flowers.

Giant Snowflakes

© 2012 Patty Hankins

I hope you’ve enjoyed this set of Black & White flowers photos 🙂