Here are last few photos Bill and I took on the September 14 Photowalk in Gettysburg PA organized by Andy Smith of Visual Realia.
The route Andy developed took us through town to the campus on Gettysburg Colllege – and then on up to the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary – and back into town. We walked past historic buildings, parks, monuments and through everyday neighborhoods. It was great fun. It gave a chance to photograph everything from a cannon to yard decorations to items left on a front porch.
We saw signs for tours of the Ghosts of Gettysburg. Wonder if this is one of the ones on the tour?
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins
Children’s toys left on the front porch take on a new look when Bill photographed them with his Graflex.
(c) 2008 William Lawrence
(c) 2008 William Lawrence
The different styles and the age of many of the house gave us some great photo opportunities. Here’s some detail in some of the railing on a front porch.
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins
And a face carved from wood contrasted against a brick wall.
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins
And of course – no visit to Gettysburg is complete without a photograph of a Civil War cannon. This one is located on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary.
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins
We hope you’ve enjoyed our photos from the Gettysburg Photowalk. If you are looking for a photowalk in your area – be sure to check out Trevor Carpenter’s site.
If you live in the greater Washington DC area – we have a great group of Photowalkers in our area. In addition to Andy Smith who organized the Gettysburg Photowalk, Mark Anderson and Jeff Revell have also organized photowalk. When we hear about upcoming photowalks in the area, we’ll let you know about them.