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As I’m continuing to explore still life photography, I’ve decided I’ll just do a post a month with my still life photos from the preceeding month. That way – I make sure to edit what I’ve taken and can see where I still need to do some work on arranging and lighting. These are the still lifes I created in June 2018


Spring Onions, Garlic Scapes and Cherry Tomatoes © 2018 Patty Hankins

Spring Onions, Garlic Scapes and Cherry Tomatoes © 2018 Patty Hankins


Old Camera and Photos © 2018 Patty Hankins

Old Camera and Photos © 2018 Patty Hankins


Old Camera and Photos © 2018 Patty Hankins

Old Camera and Photos © 2018 Patty Hankins


Old Camera and Photos © 2018 Patty Hankins

Old Photos © 2018 Patty Hankins


Brownies Anyone? © 2018 Patty Hankins

Brownies Anyone? © 2018 Patty Hankins