As I’ve been photographing some of the amazing orchids at local botanical gardens, I’ve discovered that there are many more types and hybrids of orchids than I ever imagined existed. Over the next few weeks, I’ll probably be posted quite a few orchid photos here on my blog. Not only have I already photographed several fascinating orchids, but also the US Botanic Garden and Longwood Gardens currently have orchid shows on display.
So far, I’ve photographed three different varieties of Brassolaelicattelya orchids. The Brassolaeliocattelya’s are a cross between Brassavola, Cattelya and Laelia orchids. They can be recognized by their large labellum or lip.
The first brassolaelicattelya orchid I photographed was a Pamela Hetherington Coronation orchid. The ruffled petals and lip on this orchid are amazing.
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
Next is a set of Maikai Mayumi orchids. The patterns on the labellum on the Miakai Mayumi orchids is wonderful.
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
Finally, a set of Golden Sands Elizabeth orchids. The shades of yellow in these orchids were incredible. It is one of the few bright yellow orchids I’ve photographed.
(c) 2009 Patty Hankins
I hope you’ve enjoyed these photos of Brasslaelicattelya orchids. I’ll be posting more orchid photos soon.
Good Day Patty
I have some orchids growing in my garden which I have taken photos of and have placed them on my web site, however I need to name them, please can you have a look at them and try name them for me.
What beautiful orchids. I know there are many varieties and as yet haven’t researched them all! I have successully grown quite a few varities myself.