Grief, The Adams Memorial Palladium Toned Kallitype – New on my Website
I’ve recently added a new Palladium Toned Kallitype to my website. It shows the monument on the Adams Memorial at Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, DC. You can see it on my website at
The Mystery of the Hereafter and The Peace of God that Passeth Understanding (more commonly known as Grief) is the best-known sculpture in Rock Creek Cemetery in Washington, DC. Henry Adams commissioned Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Stanford White to create the monument honoring his late wife Marion Hooper ‘Clover’ Adams after her death in 1885. Clover Adams became interested in photography in the early 1880s. Her work reflected the life of a late 19th century woman – portraits, still lifes and landscapes. She died after consuming potassium cyanide, one of the chemicals she used to develop her photographs.
This photograph is printed using the late 19th-century photographing printing process known as Kallityping. The emulsion is hand-painted onto the paper, exposed with a negative under bright lights, and toned with palladium. Each print from a negative is slightly different – so these are one of a kind images.
This palladium-toned kallitype is available matted to 11 X 14 on my website for $ 49.00