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New Photo: Texas Paintbrush

Texas paintbrush - castilleja indivisa

Texas Paintbrush © 2011 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  Texas Paintbrush – to my website.

I first photograph a member of the Paintbrush family of wildflowers several years ago on the Blue Ridge Parkway – I only found it once – and have never been able to identify what species it was. Since then I’ve photographed members of this family in several other locations – including Colorado and in Glacier National Park. This past May, I found some wonderful bright orange-red Texas Paintbrush (castilleja indivisa) north of Dallas. I love the colors and shapes of the various members of paintbrush family. I’m always on the lookout for ones I haven’t seen.

This photograph is available as  either at 10 X 10″ or 20 X 20″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Texas Paintbrush from my website.

New Photo: Prairie Smoke

Prairie Smoke - geum triflorumPrairie Smoke © 2011 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  Prairie Smoke – to my website.

One of my favorite wildflowers I discovered my trip to Yellowstone National Park in June was Prairie Smoke (Geum Triflorum). When I first spotted it – I had no clue what it was – but I knew I wanted to take lots of photographs of it. I couldn’t remember ever seeing a wildflower with the combination of uniquely shaped flowers, fuzzy texture and fascinating leaf structure that reminded me of antlers!

I photographed the prairie smoke in the Lamar Valley section of Yellowstone National Park, which is where I found most of the wildflowers I photographed there. Next summer, I’m planning on spending more time in the Lamar Valley than I did on my trip this year. I’m really looking forward to discovering more Yellowstone wildflowers.

This photograph is available as  either at 10 X 10″ or 20 X 20″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Prairie Smoke from my website.

New Photo: Japanese Maple Leaves

Japanese Maple LeavesJapanese Maple Leaves © 2011 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  Japanese Maple Leaves – to my website.

Taken the same morning as my Sweet Potato Vine Leaves photo, the leaves on this Japanese Maple Tree immediately caught my eye. The leaves were a wonderful combination of red and green. The leaves were still wet from a few days of rain – which gave them an almost purple tint. It was just a great combination of colors and shapes. I couldn’t resist photographing it!

This photograph is available as a 12 X 8″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Japanese Maple Leaves from my website.

New Photo: Sweet Potato Vine Leaves

Sweet Potato Vine LeavesSweet Potato Vine Leaves © 2011 Patty Hankins



I’ve recently added a new photo –  Sweet Potato Vine Leaves – to my website.

Who knew that the leaves on a Sweet Potato Vine could be so fascinating to look at??? I certainly didn’t. I spent a morning recently photographing at a local garden – my goal was to see what signs of early fall I could see. You can imagine my surprise when one of my favorite subjects was the leaves of the Sweet Potato Vine! I thought the combination of the shape of the leaves – and all the various shades of greens and browns made a wonderful image! Usually when I think about fall color – I picture the wonderful reds, oranges and yellows of many of the maple trees. What I discovered this year is that there are so many other ways that fall color shows up in nature. I can’t wait to see what else I can find . . .

This photograph is available as a 12 X 8″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can orderSweet Potato Vine Leaves from my website.

New Photo: Sparkleberries

Ilex (serrata x verticillata)  sparkleberrySparkleberries © 2011 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo – Sparkleberries – to my website.

When we think about colors of fall – we usually think of the leaves changing to wonderful shades of reds, yellows and oranges. But there is also another type of fall color – the wonderful berries that are found in the fall and winter. I spotted these great bright red berries intermingled with the wonderful green leaves in early October. The tag on the tree said Sparkleberry. With a little research I learned that Sparkleberry is a variety of Holly (Ilex (serrata x verticillata))  released in 1978. It was developed at the National Arboretum in Washington, DC and is readily available.

This photograph is available as either a 12 X 8″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Sparkleberries from my website.

New Photo: Sunflowers All in a Row

Sunflowers All in a row

Sunflowers All in a Row © 2011 Patty Hankins


I’ve recently added a new photo –  Sunflowers All in a Row – to my website.

As you probably know, the sunflower fields at McKee Beshers Wildlife Management Area in Poolesville, Maryland are one of my favorite summer photography spots. So often when I’m at McKee Beshers I feel like I’m standing in a field of sunflowers that goes on forever. With this photo, I tried to capture the feeling of endless sunflowers. I really liked the way the sunflowers recede into the distance adding a sense of depth to the photo. To say nothing of the fact that I just always want to smile when I see sunflowers – either in person or in a photograph. I hope these sunflowers brighten your day as much as they brighten up my day!

This photograph is available as either a 8X18″ or 14X30″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can orderSunflowers All in a Row from my website.