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New Photo: Lotus Blossom III

Lotus BlossomLotus Blossom III (c) 2011 Patty Hankins


I’ve recently added a new photo –   Lotus Blossom III – to my website.

Every summer I make sure to plan a few visits to Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens to photograph the lotus blossoms (Nelumbo nucifera). When I’m at a show in the DC area, I’m always amazed at how few people know about Kenilworth Gardens. It is a National Park in Washington, DC. They have about 20 sunken ponds full of lotuses and water lilies. If you like water flowers, you really should plan a visit to Kenilworth Gardens in the summer. It is always a wonderful place to visit.

This photograph is available as either a 10 X 10 or 20 X 20 ″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Lotus Blossom III from my website and I will have it available at shows.

New Photo: Madame A. Meilland Rose

Madame A Meilland Hyrbid Peace Tea Rose

Madame A Meilland Rose (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

What can I say about this rose – other than it was one of the most beautiful roses I’ve ever seen. In the early morning light – the soft pinks and yellows just glowed. I love the way the petals curled back as they were opening. The rose is a Madame A. Meilland Hybrid Peace Tea Rose.

Madame A. Meilland Rose is available as either an 12X18″ or 20X30″   gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Madame A. Meilland Rose from my website and I will have it available at shows this year.

New Photo: Showy Orchis

SHowy Orchis - galearis spectabilisShowy Orchis (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –   Showy Orchis – to my website.

Showy Orchis (Galearis spectabilis) are one of my favorite spring wildflowers. I love just love the shape and colors of the flowers.  I photographed this showy orchis along the Cove Hardwood Trail in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park this past spring.

This photograph is available as either a 12X15″ or 20X26″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Showy Orchis from my website and I will have it available at shows.

New Photo: Flame Azalea

Flame Azalea - Rhododendron calendulaceum

Flame Azalea (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  Flame Azalea – to my website.

Flame Azaleas (Rhododendron calendulaceum) are one of several species of azaleas native to the southeastern United States. I love the bright yellows and oranges in the flame azalea. I photographed this cluster of flame azalea blossoms along the Blue Ridge Parkway earlier this year.

This photograph is available as either a 12X15″ or 20X26″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Flame Azalea from my website and I will have it available at shows.

New Photo: Ice Punch Poinsettia

Ice Punch Poinsettia

Ice Punch Poinsettia (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  Ice Punch Poinsettia – to my website.

Ice Punch Poinsettia is the fourth in a series of four poinsettia photographs that I am introducing this fall. Even before I saw the identification tag for this poinsettia, the red and white patterns reminded me of the patterns ice makes as water freezes. Ice Punch Poinsettia is one of the most dramatic flowers I’ve had the chance to photograph.

This photograph is available as a 10X10″   gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Ice Punch Poinsettia from my website and I will have it available at shows in October and November this year.

New Photo: DaVinci Poinsettia

DaVinci Poinsettia

DaVinci Poinsettia (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  DaVinci Poinsettia – to my website.

DaVinci Poinsettia is the third in a series of four poinsettia photographs that I am introducing this fall.  I love all the shades of pink in DaVinci Poinsettia. The soft colors and dappled patterns create a beautiful look for the holidays.

This photograph is available as a 10X10″   gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order DaVinci Poinsettia from my website and I will have it available at shows in October and November this year.