by hankinslawrenceimages | Jul 27, 2010 | Colorado, Flowers, Photo Locations, Wildflowers
In addition to photographing in the Gunnison National Forest, I spent some time in the San Juan Mountains on my recent trip to Colorado to photograph wildflowers. While in the San Juan Mountains, I was photographing at a higher elevation than I was in the Gunnison National Forest so I was finding flowers at a little earlier in the blooming cycle. I was based in Ouray for this part of my trip.
Here are a few of my wildflowers photos from the San Juan Mountains.
Colorado Blue Columbine – Aquilegia Caerulea
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Fireweed – chamerion angustifolium

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Rosy Paintbrush -Castilleja rhexiifolia

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Western Indian Paintbrush – Castilleja occidentalis

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
I hope you’ve enjoyed the Colorado wildflower photos I’ve been posting for the past week or so. I had a wonderful time on the trip – and am really looking forward to doing some serious editing on my photos – and deciding which ones I’ll be offering as fine art photographs in the weeks and months to come. If there are any of the wildflowers you’ve particularly liked – let me know and I’ll be sure to let you know if I do offer them as photos on canvas.
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jul 25, 2010 | Colorado, Flowers, Photo Locations, Wildflowers
Here are a few more Colorado wildflowers I photographed in the Gunnison National Forest outside of Crested Butte. The wildflowers were incredible. I’ve photographed enough eastern wildflowers that I often could recognize what the western flowers were related to. It was wonderful seeing the similarities and differences in the wildflowers between Colorado, North Carolina and Tennessee.
Case’s Fitweed – Corydalis caseana

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Nodding Sunflower – Helianthella quinquenervis

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Orange Paintbrush – Castilleja integra
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Fairy Trumpets – Ipomopsis aggregata
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
I saw so many hummingbirds at the various stands of Orange Paintbrush and Fairy Trumpets – they really do like the red wildflowers.
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jul 22, 2010 | Colorado, Flowers, Photo Locations, Wildflowers
I spent several days on my recent trip to Colorado photographing in the Gunnison National Forest in the Crested Butte area. Here are a few of the wildflower photos I took in the area. I loved all the shades of blue and purple I was seeing in the Colorado wildflowers.
Colorado Blue Columbine – Aquilegia coerulea – the state wildflower of Colorado

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Silvery Lupine – Lupinus argenteus

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Western Blue Flax – Linum perenne
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
I’ll be posting more of my Colorado wildflower photos in a few days. I hope you’re enjoying them.
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jul 20, 2010 | Colorado, Flowers, Photo Locations, Wildflowers
I got back home a few days ago from a fantastic trip to Colorado. I’d headed west to photograph wildflowers. Over the years I’ve seen so many photographs of fields of wildflowers leading up into the mountains, that I just had to go see (and photograph) them.
Prior to this trip, I really hadn’t spent much time in Colorado – I’d changed planes in Denver and attended a conference just outside the city. I had no idea just how spectacular the landscapes I was going to be seeing were.
The photos in this first Colorado Wildflower post are the big landscapes. It was incredible to see acres of wildflowers – leading up to the treeline – the rocky faces of the mountains above – and finally the amazing bright blue skies.
These four photo were all taken in the Gunnison National Forest outside of Crested Butte. I think it’ll be easy for you to see why I fell in love with the area.

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
This last photo is from Yankee Boy Basin outside of Ouray.
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
I’ll be posting photos of some of the individual wildflowers I photographed over the next few days. But first I wanted to give you an idea of the spectacular landscapes I was photographing in.
Most of these photos are quick edits that I did while I was on the road and posted to Twitter and Facebook. I wanted to make sure that readers of my blog got a chance to see them as well.