by hankinslawrenceimages | Feb 9, 2021 | Tennessee

Fall Color in the Smokies © 2021 Patty Hankins
Over the years, I’ve spent several weeks photographing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the fall. On every visit, I kept hoping to capture a photograph of one of the hillsides covered with the bright colors of changing leaves, and maybe even a little fog somewhere in the photo. Finally, on one of my trips, I spotted this scene as I drove along the road. I pulled over, set up my tripod, set my camera up – and started photographing. And when I got back to my cabin and looked at the photos, I knew I had captured the scene I’ve been dreaming of.
I hope you enjoy seeing this beautiful fall moment as much as I enjoyed photographing it.
Photographed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee.
by hankinslawrenceimages | Aug 3, 2020 | New Photos, Tennessee

Along the Motor Nature Trail © 2020 Patty Hankins
I’ve recently added a new photograph – Along the Motor Nature Trail – to my website at
When I visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, one of my favorite places is the Motor Nature Trail located just outside downtown Gatlinburg. There are some wonderful trails, historic buildings, streams and waterfalls within easy distances of the road. This stream is located not far from the Ogle Cabin. Every time I visit, I find myself sitting by this stream for at least an hour, just enjoying the beauty and the quiet solitude of my favorite national park.
This photograph is available matted to 11X14 and 16X20.
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jul 16, 2020 | New Photos, Tennessee

Cades Cove Stream © 2020 Patty Hankins
I’ve recently added a new photograph – Cades Cove Stream – to my website at
When I visit the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, I always visit Cades Coves, even though it is often the most crowded area of the park. So I was pleased one morning during a visit a few years ago to spend some time enjoying a quiet peaceful stream. And as I sat there enjoying the view, I was amazed at the number of cars that drove by, never slowing down, much less stopping to enjoy the peaceful stream.
This photograph is available matted to 11 X 14 and 16 X 20
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jun 11, 2020 | Tennessee
Like many other photographers, I haven’t been out photographing much this spring – something about the stay-at-home orders and a pandemic. So I’ve been going back through some of the thousands of unweeded unedited photos on my hard drive and finding some to edit and share. These were taken a few years ago in my favorite national park – the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Stream along the Motor Nature Trail

Smoky Mountains Stream © 2020 Patty Hankins

Smoky Mountains Stream © 2020 Patty Hankins

Smoky Mountains Stream © 2020 Patty Hankins
Stream at Cades Cove

Stream at Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park © 2020 Patty Hankins

Stream at Cades Cove, Great Smoky Mountains National Park © 2020 Patty Hankins
Newfound Gap

Newfound Gap, Great Smoky Mountains National Park © 2020 Patty Hankins
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jan 23, 2019 | New Photos, Still Life, Tennessee
I’ve recently added a new photograph – On the Puipit, Cades Cove Methodist Church, Great Smoky Mountains National Park – to my website at
This photograph is available matted to 12 X 20 for $ 84.00 or 16 X 24 for $ 134.00
by hankinslawrenceimages | Jan 16, 2019 | New Photos, Still Life, Tennessee
I’ve recently added a new photograph – On the Piano, Cades Cove Methodist Church, Great Smoky Mountains National Park – to my website at

On the Piano, Cades Cove Methodist Church, Great Smoky Mountains National Park © 2018 Patty Hankins
Despite the fact that families moved out of Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in the mid-1900’s, when you walk into the Cades Cove Methodist Church today you can sense that the congregation just left the church after Sunday services. The church itself, and the graves in the graveyard, are tidy and well-maintained. The day I visited, there were flowers on the pulpit, a Bible on the lectern and hymnals on the piano. In this photograph, I tried to capture the peaceful feeling that a Sunday service has just ended, and the parishioners have left the church.
This photograph is available matted to 12 X 20 for $ 84.00 or 16 X 24 for $ 134.00