Cloud 9 Dogwoods (c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Every spring I love seeing the dogwoods blossom. Their beautiful white blossoms add a beautiful splash of white and yellow among the browns and pale greens of the woods. This spring, I finally found a wonderful set of Cloud 9 Dogwoods (Cornus Florida Cloud 9) blooming in the woods to photograph. I knew when I saw this branch that I would offer it as a panoramic photograph.
I photographed these dogwoods at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. Like most dogwoods, Cloud 9 Dogwoods grow best in partial shade. If they are planted in full sun, make sure they get plenty of water. Dogwoods make a wonderful addition to a landscape plan since they offer year-round color. In the spring they have beautiful blossoms, in summer green leaves, in fall the leaves turn red to purple, and in the winter red berries.
Until June 30, 2010, SAVE 20% off the regular prices for Cloud 9 Dogwoods. The photograph is available through my website in two sizes of gallery-wrapped canvases.
Save $ 18 on the 8 X 18″ Canvas – regular price $ 89 – June Photo of the Month Price – $ 71.00
Save $ $ 60 on the 14 X 30″ Canvas – regular price $ 299 – June Photo of the Month Price – $ 239.00
Free shipping to U.S. Addresses for either size photograph.
As with all photographs from, Cloud 9 Dogwoods comes with my Unconditional Happiness Guarantee. You have one year to decide that it is the perfect photograph for you. If it’s not, just return it (in original condition) for a full refund.