We’ve had a very warm winter here in the DC area – and I’ve been seeing several of the trees in my neighborhood starting to bloom much earlier than usual. I also saw a few crocuses in a neighbor’s yard as I was out walking. So on February 1, I headed to Brookside Gardens to see if anything was in bloom yet. Usually at this time of year – there might be a few snowdrops in a sheltered location – and hints of other flowers to come. What I found – was a wonderful collection of early blooming flowers – and lots of people walking around the gardens with huge smiles on their faces!!!
I hope you enjoy seeing what I found at Brookside Gardens last week.
Giant Snowdrops – Galanthis elwesii
Winter Aconite – Eranthis hyematis
Some purple crocuses
And even a few daffodils!
I can’t wait to see what’s going to bloom next!