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April has been my month to be on the road attending photo workshops. Not only did I study abstract photography with Art Wolfe earlier this month, I’m now just back from California where I attended a Still Life and Food Photography Workshop with Karen Burns and Marie Otero.

I know, photographing still lifes, especially food, just isn’t what I usually do. But when I saw Karen’s photographs, I knew I had to study with them. There was something about the way the light in their photographs that reminded me of still life paintings by some of the Old Masters.

So off to California I went – with my camera, my tripod and my laptop.

It was an incredible workshop. I learned so much about setting up and lighting still life scenes. I studied with two fantastic photographers who not only know how to light and edit – but also how to teach. I collaborated with the other students to create some still lifes. In other words, I had a fantastic time.

These are a few of the photographs I created during the workshop.

Pastries & Berries (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Pastries & Berries (c) 2018 Patty Hankins


Brownies (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Brownies (c) 2018 Patty Hankins


Bread & Flowers (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Bread & Flowers (c) 2018 Patty Hankins


Pretzel Rolls (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Pretzel Rolls (c) 2018 Patty Hankins


Vintage Camera (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Vintage Camera (c) 2018 Patty Hankins


April has been my month to be on the road attending photo workshops. Not only did I study abstract photography with Art Wolfe earlier this month, I’m now just back from California where I attended a Still Life and Food Photography Workshop with Karen Burns and Marie Otero. I know, photographing still lifes, especially food, just isn’t what I usually do. But when I saw Karen’s photographs, I knew I had to study with them. There was something about the way the light in their photographs that reminded me of still life paintings by some of the Old Masters. So off to California I went - with my camera, my tripod and my laptop. It was an incredible workshop. I learned so much about setting up and lighting still life scenes. I studied with two fantastic photographers who not only know how to light and edit - but also how to teach. I collaborated with the other students to create some still lifes. In other words, I had a fantastic time. These are a few of the photographs I created during the workshop. Insert 2018_apr_berry_pastries_0325.jpg Insert 2018_apr_brownies_0460.jpg Insert 2018_apr_bread_flowers_lbv_0753.jpg Insert 2018_apr_pretzel_rolls_1010.jpg Insert 2018_apr_cameras_0490.jpg Insert 2018_apr_eggshells_0619.jpg Insert 2018_apr_pears_0465.jpg Oh - and if you’re wondering what the phrase “First we photograph, then we eat” refers to. See all those baked goods in the photos - Karen baked them for us. And once we photographed, we ate them. And they were delicious! I’m not sure how much still life and/or food photography I’ll do in the future. But I certainly had a wonderful introduction to both genres at this workshop and look forward to learning more from Karen and Marie in the future.

Eggshells (c) 2018 Patty Hankins


Pears (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Pears (c) 2018 Patty Hankins

Oh – and if you’re wondering what the phrase “First we photograph, then we eat” refers to. See all those baked goods in the photos – Karen baked them for us. And once we photographed, we ate them. And they were delicious!

I’m not sure how much still life and/or food photography I’ll do in the future. But I certainly had a wonderful introduction to both genres at this workshop and look forward to learning more from Karen and Marie in the future.