This is a set of photos I took in my studio of some Siberian Irises back in January. It was the first time I’d tried photographing the flowers against a black background – which meant it took a while to get the lighting adjusted so the photos looked the way I wanted them to. But once we got the lights set – I suddenly understood why so many studio photographers photograph their flowers against a black background. WOW do the brightly colored flowers really pop against the black!

Siberian Iris © 2015 Patty Hankins

Siberian Iris © 2015 Patty Hankins

Siberian Iris © 2015 Patty Hankins

Siberian Iris © 2015 Patty Hankins

Siberian Iris © 2015 Patty Hankins
In addition to all the photos of the Siberian Irises that I’m really happy with – there was one big OOPS of a photo in the batch. At one point I was focusing in on the side of a group of flowers and didn’t pay attention to the background. As you can tell from the photo – I totally missed the framing on this photo – that’s the side of the roll of black paper and the paper stand in the background of the photo. I did open out the shadows on the photo to show you how badly I messed this one up. Lesson learned – pay attention to the background as well as the subject of the photo 🙂
I also photographed the same irises against a white background – once I get those photos edited up I’ll share them here on my blog 🙂