Pink Tulip Trio (c) 2009 Patty Hankins
Here are some posts and articles that I enjoyed this week; I hope you enjoy them as well
National Park and National Wildlife Refuge Links
National Parks Traveler has Keeping Things Quiet In the National Parks, Yosemite Falls Featured In New Webcam From Yosemite National Park, and List Of “Most Endangered Rivers” Flows Through National Parks
Wildlife Links
National Parks Traveler has Study Assessing Climate Change Impacts On Birds Includes Yosemite National Park
Environment Issues Links
MSNBC has Report: Global biodiversity down 30 percent in 40 years
Photography and Art Links
Charles Cramer has Tonal Adjusments in the Age of Lightroom 4 at Luminous Landscape
Art Wolfe has What to Do on a Rainy Day?
If you are in the DC area, I hope you will join me and other flower lovers at our DC Flower Safari Meetups. The next one is scheduled for May 27th at Brookside Gardens, 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton. I hope to see you there!