Pink Peony (c) 2009 Patty Hankins
Here are some posts and articles that I enjoyed this week; I hope you enjoy them as well
National Park and National Wildlife Refuge Links
The White House has Rolling Out the Welcome Mat for our Military Families at National Parks and Public Lands
Flower and Plant Links
Native Plants & Wildlife Gardens has Butterfly Bushes ≠ More Butterflies
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center has Recommended Native Plants by State
Wildlife Links
The New York Times has Why Bambi Must Go
National Parks Traveler has Birding In The National Parks: Seen Any Rare Birds Lately?
BBC News has Warning over deep-ocean stowaways
Environment Issues Links
Food Democracy Now has Bee Kills in the Corn Belt: What’s GE Got to Do With It?
The Grand Forks Herald has Like seatbelts, invasive species laws are beginning to click
Photography and Art Links
Whimbrel Nature Blog has Composing Carefully
NPR has ‘Canal Zone’ Collages Test The Meaning Of ‘Fair Use’
If you are in the DC area, I hope you will join me and other flower lovers at our DC Flower Safari Meetups. The next one is scheduled for this Sunday, May 27th at Brookside Gardens, 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton. I hope to see you there!