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How fine Nature’s methods! How deeply with beauty is beauty overlaid – John Muir

© 2011 Patty Hankins

For the past several weeks, I’ve been working on a 90 Day Photo Project. Every day, I head out the front door and take at least 30 photos of something beautiful I find. It’s been an amazing project. I’ve found Nature’s beauty is places and things that I’d never expected to.

© 2011 Patty Hankins

Heading out and photographing every day hasn’t been a challenge for me. The challenge has been photographing in different conditions that I usually shoot in. I photograph flowers – so I’m usually out early morning or late afternoon on nice warm sunny days. As for wind, I rarely photograph in anything heavier than a gentle breeze.

© 2011 Patty Hankins

So you can just imagine what a challenge 90 days of photography from November through February is! I’ve been photographing in weather conditions I’ve always avoided – so far I’ve been out in the rain, cold, wind, and even a few snow flurries!!!

© 2011 Patty Hankins

And it has been wonderful. Without the obvious subject of a flower in perfect bloom or one just beginning to bud, I’m taking the opportunity to slow down, explore different subjects and experiment with different techniques. I’ve photographed everything from tree bark to grasses. I’ve tried to capture the feeling of the wind and the cold.

© 2011 Patty Hankins

This project is not only improving my photography, but it is also helping me to appreciate the incredible beauty of nature around my home – no matter what the season or the weather.

© 2012 Patty Hankins

So now you’ve seen what beauty I’ve been finding in my neighborhood. Is it making you curious to see what you can find in yours?

© 2012 Patty Hankins

If you’d like to see more photos from my 90 Day Photo Project, I’m posting them on Facebook and Google+.