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Catesby’s Trillium II (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I’ve just added a new photo – Catesby’s Trillium II – to my website. Catesby’s Trillium (Trillium catesbaei) is a wildflower I photographed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park last spring. I found this particular flower as I was hiking on School House Gap Trail. The blossoms on the Catesby’s Trillium usually nods below the leaves. As the Catesby’s Trillium matures, the blossom turns pink. I photographed a pink Catesby’s Trillium last spring along GoForth Creek in Tennessee. Vasey’s Trillium, another nodding trillium found in the Smoky Mountains, has red petals.

This photograph is available as an 8X18″ and 14X30″  gallery-wrapped canvases.  You can order Catesby’s Trillium II from my website and I will have it available at shows this year.