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Orange paintbrush - castilleja integra

Orange Paintbrush (c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I’ve just added a new photo – Orange Paintbrush – to my website.

On my trip to Colorado this summer I photographed several varieties of paintbrush wildflowers. The orange paintbrush (castilleja integra) were the first ones I saw and photographed – I loved the bright orange flowers against the soft green of the surrounding grasses. I saw several hummingbirds seeking nectar deep in the flowers. One of the most amazing sites of my trip was when I saw three hummingbirds at the same group of orange paintbrush plants. I just wish I’d been able to successfully photograph them. Unfortunately at the time, I had my macro lens on my camera – not a longer telephoto lens that would have allowed me to photograph the hummingbirds.

This photograph is available as either an 12X15″ or 20X26″   gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order Orange Paintbrush from my website and I will have it available at shows this year.