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String Lily

String Lily (c) 2011 Patty Hankins

I’ve recently added a new photo –  String Lily – to my website.

I photographed this String Lily (Crinum americanum) in Everglades National Park. I’d seen and photographed a couple of other string lilies on my trip but what I liked about this one was that only one flower was blooming and the other two were still in bud stage. So often, string lilies can look tired and raggedly – this one is just starting to bloom. I may edit one of my other string lilies – showing all the blossoms in full bloom. But in the meantime – I thought I’d start by showing this lovely flower just starting to bloom.

This photograph is available as either a 12X15 or 20X26 ″ gallery-wrapped canvas.  You can order String Lily from my website and I will have it available at shows.