By the Bed – New Photo
I’ve recently added a new photograph – By the Bed – to my website at Doesn't everyone keep a pile of books - some old favorites, some waiting to be read - by the lamp on the table by their bed? This...
The Beauty of Spring
I hope this blog post finds all of you and your friends and families doing well. I’m here in Bethesda, practicing social distancing, dreaming of photographing flowers. But if things get as bad as they are likely too with COVID-19 virus, it’s going to be a while...
Come Photograph the Gardens of Philadelphia with me in May
Now that it’s March and the weather is starting to really warm up, I’m ready to start photographing flowers outside again! Crocuses and daffodils are starting to bloom here in the DC area, which means many of my favorite spring flowers are just a month or so away...
Demosthenes Grave, Greenwich Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia Palladium Toned Kallitype – New Photo
I’ve recently added a new palladium-toned kallitype – Demosthenes Grave, Greenwich Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia Palladium Toned Kallitype – to my website at A beautiful statue of a woman with lilies...
Graveyard Angel, Louisa Porter Grave, Laurel Grove Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia, Palladium Toned Kallitype – New Photo
I’ve recently added a new palladium-toned kallitype – Graveyard Angel, Louisa Porter Grave, Laurel Grove Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia, Palladium Toned Kallitype – to my website at Grave of Louisa...
A Few Members of the Rose Family
When you think of roses - you might think of a red flower - with a long stem. But there are so many other members of the Rose Family! Here are a few photos of members of the rose family that I've edited recently. Cherry Blossoms at Green Spring Gardens in Alexandria,...
It’s Not Too Late To Join Me to Create Still Lifes With Vintage Objects on March 7
It’s not too late to join me for my Creating Still Life Photographs with Vintage Objects Workshp on March 7. You can read all about the workshop at Bill and I will be teaching an introductory...
Woman with Gloves, Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia Palladium Toned Kallitype – New Photo
I’ve recently added a new palladium-toned kallitype – Woman with Gloves, Bonaventure Cemetery, Savannah, Georgia Palladium Toned Kallitype – to my website at A beautiful statue of a woman...
A Few Orchids
Orchids are one of the flowers that I never know what I'm going to see when I go to photograph them. They come in so many colors, shapes and textures. It's always fun to see and photograph them. Here are a few orchid photos I've edited recently. Longwood Gardens...
Shofuso Japanese House and Gardens
I’ve had a few questions about some of the lesser-known gardens we’ll be visiting during my Photographing the Gardens of Philadelphia workshop in May. So I thought I’d share a bit about some of them here on my blog in the coming weeks. Shofuso Japanese House and...
Do You Need Help Editing Your Photos? March 14, 2020
In January, we held our first Do You Need Help Editing Your Photos session. People seemed to find it really helpful. So we’re doing it again on March 14. We know many photographers struggle with editing their photos. We have so many options for software -...
One Enchanted Evening – New Photo
I've recently added a new photograph - One Enchanted Evening - to my website at In the Victorian Language of Flowers, snapdragons symbolized grace and elegance. Inspired by that, I imagined an...