A Few Still Lifes VI

A Few Still Lifes VI

Continuing my exploration of creating and photographing still life scenes Meet the Hankins Family! My great grandparents William Lucas Hankins and Mary Jane Kellam are on the left, my great great grandparents Lucas Wurtz Hankins and Mary Ellen Ross are on the right...

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Start the New Year Off Right

I know - you’re thinking - New Year! Are you kidding - it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! But I wanted to let you know about an event Bill and I have scheduled for Saturday January 4 at our home in Bethesda. We know many photographers struggle with editing their photos....

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Why Models? Why Figures?

Why Models? Why Figures?

A couple of people have asked me recently - why am I suddenly sharing photographs of figure models - including nudes, implied nudes, and clothed? Haven’t I always been a flower and nature photographer? The answer is - Bill and I started working with models a few years...

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A Few Still Lifes V

A Few Still Lifes V

Continuing with my exploration of still life photography ... Taken at a Still Life Photography workshop with Robin Zachary at Penumbra Foundation in New York   Created in my studio earlier this summer      ...

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A Few Irises

A Few Irises

When I think if irises, I think about Bearded Irises, Siberian irises, Flag irises and the little dwarf irises I see in the early spring. It turns out that gladiolus are members of the iris family too! So today I have photos of some beautiful Blue Flag Irises...

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