Garden Combinations

Garden Combinations

One of the wonderful things about photographing at botanical gardens is seeing all the combinations of flowers that the gardeners plant near each other. There are always amazing combinations of colors, and textures to be found. Here are a few of the ones I've...

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Join Me at Nature Visions 2019

I love attending photography conferences! It’s a chance to spend a day or a weekend focusing on learning new skills. In July, I attended the New England Camera Club Council Conference in Amherst, Massachusetts. Not only did I get a chance to hear some excellent...

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A Few Hydrangeas

A Few Hydrangeas

Whenever I photograph hydrangeas, I seem to always take lots of photos from different angles, with different focal lengths, with different apertures, etc. So I end up with lots of photos to choose from when editing and always have several photos to share. In this...

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