Dazzling Dahlias
Over the weekend, I spent some time at Longwood Gardens photographing some of the dahlias in the 2019 Greater Philadelphia Dahlia Society Show. As always, the flowers were amazing. Unfortunately conditions weren't great at the show for photography this year - so I...
In the Meadow – New Photo
I've recently added a new photograph - In the Meadow - to my website at https://beautifulflowerpictures.com/store/in-the-meadow/ As I walked through one of my favorite meadows this summer, I was in awe of the waves of delicate whites and greens I saw. I'm not...
Editing a Cardinal Flower Photo from Start to Finish
After my last newsletter on why I use Photoshop's Layers and Masks, I had a few questions about how I use them. So I thought I'd go through the edits on my new Cardinal Flowers photograph in step by step detail. I took the photograph at a local garden earlier this...
A Few Asters
The Aster family consists of literally thousands of different flowers (the last number I saw was over 39,000!). Most have dense centers with petals coming out from the center. Among the types of asters I see on a regular basis are daisies, black eyed Susans,...
Cardinal Flowers – New Photo
I've recently added a new photograph - Cardinal Flowers - to my website at https://beautifulflowerpictures.com/store/cardinalflowers/ Cardinal Flowers (Lobelia cardinalis) are one of my favorite summer wildflowers. They bring such a bright splash of color to...
Why I Use Layers and Masks in Photoshop
I’ve had a couple of questions recently about my upcoming Photoshop Layers and Masks Workshop so I thought I’d try to answer them for everyone today. The quesions were what are layers and masks? And why do I use them? Quite simply, layers and masks are the tools that...
So Many Different Zinnias!
I recently spent some time photographing at a local flower farm where they are growing more kinds of zinnias than I've ever seen! I ended up taking a series of photos of the different types of blossoms. I thought I'd share them with you today. ...
A Few More Members of the Ranunculus Family
The more I photograph flowers, the more I learn about them and the families they belong to. The Ranunculus or buttercup family is one that I've discovered I like an awful lot of flowers that are members of the family! So often I photograph a flower at a garden and...
Garden Combinations
One of the wonderful things about photographing at botanical gardens is seeing all the combinations of flowers that the gardeners plant near each other. There are always amazing combinations of colors, and textures to be found. Here are a few of the ones I've...
Spring Wildflowers – Dutchman’s Breeches, Squirrel Corn, and Bleeding Hearts
Dutchman's Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), Squirrel Corn (Dicentra canadensis) and Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra eximia) are three spring wildflowers I always look for in the woods. They are very delicate wildflowers - I've learned what their leaves look like - so I can...
Join Me at Nature Visions 2019
I love attending photography conferences! It’s a chance to spend a day or a weekend focusing on learning new skills. In July, I attended the New England Camera Club Council Conference in Amherst, Massachusetts. Not only did I get a chance to hear some excellent...
Spring Wildflowers – Trout Lilies
Trout Lilies are one of the wildflowers I look forward to seeing and photographing each years. Some years, I consider myself lucky if I find one or two to photograph. This year I found hundreds if not thousands of trout lilies to photograph, mainly at Jenkins...