Green Glass – New Photo

Green Glass – New Photo

  I've recently added a new photo - Green Glass- to my website at As I saw this through my camera, I felt like I was exploring an undersea world of microscopic critters emerging from a primordial ooze....

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The Beauty of Flowers

The Beauty of Flowers

I’m so excited! Bill and I hung my show The Beauty of Flowers at the beginning of the week. It looks amazing! I can’t wait for you to see it. Please join me at the opening reception on Saturday March 2 from 1 - 3 PM in the Horticulture Center at Green Spring Gardens...

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Lovely Lilies

Lovely Lilies

I love seeing lilies at the local botanical gardens. They have such distinctive shapes and come in so many wonderful colors and sizes. I thought I'd share some of the lily photos I've edited recently with you today.              ...

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Lights in Motion – New Photo

Lights in Motion – New Photo

  I've recently added a new photo - Lights in Motion - to my website at One of my challenges as a photographer is how do I convey a sense of movement or the passage of time in a still...

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Chanticleer Garden

Chanticleer Garden

I’ve had a few questions about some of the lesser-known gardens we’ll be visiting during my Photographing the Gardens of Philadelphia workshop in May.  so I thought I’d share a bit about some of them here in my newsletter in the coming weeks. Chanticleer Garden,...

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Join Me on March 2!

Join Me on March 2!

It’s almost here! My spring 2019 solo show “The Beauty of Flowers” will be on display from Tuesday February 26 through Sunday April 28 at the Horticulture Center at Green Spring Gardens in Alexandria, Virginia     I’m hard at work finishing up the...

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