A Few More Still Lifes

A Few More Still Lifes

I thought I'd share the last few still life photos I took at a wonderful Food & Still Life photography workshop with Karen Burns and Marie Otero last month.             And a few still lifes I created here in my studio at home.  ...

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A Few Still Lifes

A Few Still Lifes

I thought I'd share a few more of the still life photos I took at the workshop with Karen Burns and Marie Otero. As I looked at the unedited photos a few weeks after the workshop, I realized just how much I learned - and how much I still have to learn. So here are a...

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The Top 5 Reasons I Use a Tripod

The Top 5 Reasons I Use a Tripod

  I recently taught a flower photography workshop for a gardening group. We spent a lot of time talking about tripods and why I used one. I realized that I’d shared that same info a few years ago in a blog post. I thought I’d reshare it today for those of you are...

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While photographing at the Historic Old City Cemetery in Sacramento, I saw some spectacular large blue shrubs - and I had no clue what they were. As I got closer, and started photographing them, I realized I'd photographed something similar - all I had to do was...

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