Kallitypes Added 2017

As I’m making changes to my website – I’m making sure that all of my older photos are somewhere on my blog so I have a record of what went into production in what year. So I’ll be doing posts for each year’s photos.              ...

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Photos Added 2017

As I’m making changes to my website – I’m making sure that all of my older photos are somewhere on my blog so I have a record of what went into production in what year. So I’ll be doing posts for each year’s photos.              ...

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My Spring 2018 Workshops

My Spring 2018 Workshops

As 2017 comes to a close, I’m busy planning for 2018. Not only am I getting ready for my Petals show in February, but I’m also getting everything set for the workshops Bill and I will be teaching in the spring. I’ll be leading two location-based workshops and Bill and...

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