New Photo: Majestic Oak

New Photo: Majestic Oak

I’ve recently added a new photo – Majestic Oak  – to the shop on my website.   The more I photograph in South Carolina and Georgia, the more I’ve fallen in love with Spanish Moss. There’s just something about the way it picks up the...

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Rose Carousel at Butchart Gardens I

Rose Carousel at Butchart Gardens I

One of the wonderful surprises on my recent trip to Canada was discovering the Rose Carousel at Butchart Gardens. Several friends had assured me I would love Butchart Gardens, all telling me how wonderful the flowers were. What none of them bothered to tell me was...

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The Secret Life of Andrew the Panda

The Secret Life of Andrew the Panda

I recently submitted a project to Lenswork magazine’s Seeing in Sixes book project. It was not selected for publication. So I decided to share the photos with you today rather than just having the project sitting on my hard drive. The idea behind the Seeing in Sixes...

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