My Fall 2017 Workshops

My Fall 2017 Workshops

I wanted to let you know about the workshops Bill and I will be  teaching this fall. We’ll be teaching our Introduction to Lightroom: From RAW and JPG to Masterpieces in a Weekend on September 16-17 and again on November 18-19. By the end of the workshop, you’ll know...

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When the Wind Blows

When the Wind Blows

One of the questions I get on a regular basis is how do you photograph flowers when the wind is blowing?  Most people seem to want to photograph flowers that are standing still. So they get frustrated on windy days - especially if they only have that one visit to try...

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A Few Wildflowers

A Few Wildflowers

I thought I'd share a few of my recent wildflower photographs with you. I've been checking out some different sites this year - finding all sorts of wonderful places to photograph wildflowers. Wildflowers in the woods - purple phacelia and celedine poppies Blue phlox...

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Introducing Four New Photographs

Introducing Four New Photographs

I wanted you to be the first to hear that I’ve added four new photos  to the store on my website. Three are flower photographs taken in my studio and the fourth is a landscape photograph from my recent trip to the Great Smoky Mountains...

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