You Know I’m Bored When I Spend Time in the Kitchen! II
Like many other people, I discovered a new room in my house during COVID - the kitchen! Not only did I start baking (and occasionally cooking), I created still life photographs from what I cooked!
Inspired by the Kodak Girl IV
One of my favorite advertising campaigns is the Kodak Girl campaigns of the early 1900s. Kodak wanted to get women involved with photography figuring that if women had cameras and took photographs than they would sell more film and cameras. So they created the Kodak...
Flower Portraits II
A series of studio photographs of flowers highlighting the beauty and intricate details of the flowers.
In the Language of Flowers
Throughout history, people have sent messages with flowers. The Victorians raised it to an art form, where entire conversations and courtships could take place just with flowers. This series of still life photographs is inspired by the messages sent by certain...
You Know I’m Bored When I Spend Time in the Kitchen!
Like many other people, I discovered a new room in my house during COVID - the kitchen! Not only did I start baking (and occasionally cooking), I created still life photographs from what I cooked!
Inspired by the Paintings of Berthe Morisot
A few years ago, I saw the Berthe Morisot: Woman Impressionist exhibit at the Barnes Collection in Philadelphia. I was captivated by how Morisot portrayed women in her paintings, especially several paintings showing women in quiet private moments such as a woman...
Inspired by the Kodak Girl III
One of my favorite advertising campaigns is the Kodak Girl campaigns of the early 1900s. Kodak wanted to get women involved with photography figuring that if women had cameras and took photographs than they would sell more film and cameras. So they created the Kodak...
Flower Portraits
A series of studio photographs of flowers highlighting the beauty and intricate details of the flowers.
Inspired by the Kodak Girl II
One of my favorite advertising campaigns is the Kodak Girl campaigns of the early 1900s. Kodak wanted to get women involved with photography figuring that if women had cameras and took photographs than they would sell more film and cameras. So they created the Kodak...
Inspired by the Kodak Girl
One of my favorite advertising campaigns is the Kodak Girl campaigns of the early 1900s. Kodak wanted to get women involved with photography figuring that if women had cameras and took photographs than they would sell more film and cameras. So they created the Kodak...
Photos from the Studio
Here are a few photos I've captured in my studio recently
Photos from the Studio
A few photos taken in my studio