String Lilies

String Lilies

I recently was looking at the files on my computer and realized I had thousands and thousands of unweeded unsorted flower photos on my drive. So I've spent some time organizing them by family and flower type - and am now starting to edit. Given how many there are -...

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Work the Scene

Work the Scene

Have you ever stopped to photograph a great scene, and then when you get home realize that you would have had the perfect shot, if only you had gone wider, gotten in closer, been 3 feet to the left, etc?  One of Bill's and my major recommendations to our students is...

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Beautiful Poinsettias

Beautiful Poinsettias

One of the wonderful things about living in the DC area is the number of botanical gardens that create wonderful displays for the holidays - especially Christmas. Every year I see more and more new to me varieties of poinsettias. When I was growing up, I pretty much...

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