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In mid-October, I headed to Connecticut for a Food & Still Life Photography Workshop with Karen Burns & Marie Otero. I had taken a similar workshop with them last spring and absolutely loved it, so when a fall workshop on the east coast was announced, I knew I had to go. I thought I’d share some of the photos I took at the workshop with you today.

First a few photos of the food. This is one of the workshops where “First we shoot, then we eat” And let me tell you, all the food was DELICIOUS!!!!

Shortbread, Flowers & Berries  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Shortbread, Flowers & Berries © 2018 Patty Hankins


Morning Biscuits © 2018 Patty Hankins

Morning Biscuits © 2018 Patty Hankins


Pumpkin Cake © 2018 Patty Hankins

Pumpkin Cake © 2018 Patty Hankins

Some food based still lifes

Spices  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Spices © 2018 Patty Hankins


Apple on a Scale  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Apple on a Scale © 2018 Patty Hankins


Blueberries  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Blueberries © 2018 Patty Hankins


Blueberries  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Blueberries © 2018 Patty Hankins

And some non-food still lifes

Butterfly Collector  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Butterfly Collector © 2018 Patty Hankins


Old Camera & Photographs © 2018 Patty Hankins

Old Camera & Photographs © 2018 Patty Hankins


Teacher's Desk © 2018 Patty Hankins

Teacher’s Desk © 2018 Patty Hankins


Write it Down © 2018 Patty Hankins

Write it Down © 2018 Patty Hankins


On the Ladder  © 2018 Patty Hankins

On the Ladder © 2018 Patty Hankins


Dancing Angel © 2018 Patty Hankins

Dancing Angel © 2018 Patty Hankins

In addition to helping us learn how to photograph food and still lifes, Karen and Marie worked with us on editing our photos in Lightroom and Photoshop. One of the techniques they shared was how to convert a photograph into an image with the look of a watercolor sketch. I tried it on my Butterfly Collector and I kind of like it.

Butterfly Collector Sketch & Watercolor  © 2018 Patty Hankins

Butterfly Collector Sketch & Watercolor © 2018 Patty Hankins

I really enjoyed the workshop and am really glad I attended it for a second time. Not only did I get to meet and work with some wonderful photographers, I also got a chance to learn some new skills and build on what I learned at the workshop in the spring.

I’d love to know what you think of the photos I took at the workshop. Is there one you particularly like? Let me know in the comments below.