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Here are Bill’s photos from last Saturday’s Photowalk in Alexandria VA. The Old Town Alexandria Photowalk led by Jeff Revell was part of the Worldwide Photowalk that took place on August 23.

Of the 50 photographers on the morning photowalk – Bill may have been the only one who wasn’t using a digital camera. He brought his Graflex RB Super D 3″X4″ camera. Since there was a fairly short timeline for getting the photos posted to the Flickr group – Bill decided to use instant film this time. For his black and white photos, Bill used Polaroid ISO 100 Black and White Film. For the color photos, Bill used Fuji ISO 100 Instant film.

One of the boats along the docks in Alexandria.

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

Two of the buildings we passed on the Photowalk

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

Some of the flowers we saw

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

One of the shop owners in Alexandria

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

And finally some of the produce at the Farmers’ Market

(c) 2008 William Lawrence

Bill and I had a great time on the last week’s photowalk. Many photographers have posted their photos from the walk on the Flickr Group. Shawn Duffy and Mark Anderson have also posted some of their photos on their blogs. On Thursday morning, Jeff Revell announced that one of Mark’s photos was the winner of the contest for best photo from the morning walk. Congratulations Mark!

The next photowalk in the DC area will be on September 14 in Gettysburg. Andy Smith from Visual Realia is organizing the Sept 14 event. Bill and I are planning on being there and hope to see lots of other photographers on the 14th as well.