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One of the wonderful unexpected photo opportunities on my trip along Route 66 last month was the chance to photograph some hot air balloons at the Red Rock Balloon Rally in Gallup, New Mexico. My trip started in Gallup on Friday evening – and over dinner – one of the other photographers mentioned there was a balloon rally in town and did anyone want to get up early and photograph the launch the next morning. Since I love seeing hot air balloons – I said of course.

Early Saturday morning, several of us headed out to Red Rock State Park for the Dawn Patrol and early morning launch. We weren’t able to stay long enough to see all the balloons launch (needed to get back to start the Route 66 trip) – but we were there long enough to see (and photograph) some of the balloons.

When I’ve photographed hot air balloons in the past – it has always been in the Maryland/Virginia area. So the balloons are usually launching and flying across farmers fields. In New Mexico, I had the opportunity to photograph them against a much more dramatic landscape. In the early morning light, the jagged red rocks were a great contrasting background to the beauty of the hot air balloons.

Here are a few of the photos I took that morning.

Hot air balloon

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins

Hot air balloon

(c) 2010 Patty Hankins


Hot air balloon(c) 2010 Patty Hankins


Hot air balloon(c) 2010 Patty Hankins


Hot air balloon(c) 2010 Patty Hankins


The Red Rock Balloon Rally is held in Red Rock State Park in Gallup, New Mexico on the first full weekend of December. From what little I saw – it’s a wonderful event. I’d love to go back and spend more time photographing it some time in the future.