This morning, we woke up to several inches of fresh snow in Bethesda. The snow started yesterday evening, and continued through much of the night. There wasn’t much wind, so the snow piled up where it fell. This morning, I took a quick walk around the neighborhood and photographed the snow on the branches of several trees. Due to the texture of the snow and lack of wind – in several places, I spotted a few inches of snow on very thin branches. In other spots, a group of branches held up large amounts of snow. It was really neat seeing the patterns of the dark branches piled high with the clean white snow.
Here are some of my photos of the snow covered branches in the neighborhood.
These first two photos show how the snow piled up in the branches and they were among the scenes that first caught my eye
The snow really clung to this bush, creating intricate patterns of branches and snow.
Center of one of the bigger trees
The view from underneath a branch
In these final two photos, I really like the way the snow piled high on such small branchs.
(c) 2010 Patty Hankins
Hi Patty. I’m so glad you took some pictures this morning. I was thinking about you–I guess it worked! I got up several times in the night to look out the window at the beautiful snow covered trees all over the city–well, as far as i could see. It was magical! I was up early this morning as well and I wondered if you might be taking some neat photos for the rest of us. I’m going to forward this to all my friends and family. Thanks for taking the time to photograph the magic.
Those are very nice snow photographs and I like all photographs very much as I like snow very much.Thank you very much for showing us these beautiful pictures.
Fractals!! I love fractals! Beautiful work again – of course! 🙂
Love you Patty