In 2009, I saw some Epidendrum Orchids at Longwood Garden’s annual Orchid Extravaganza. I was fascinated by them – they were were so different from most of the other orchids I was familiar with.
Since then, I’ve kept my eye out for more Epidendrum orchids to photograph. I found a few more in recent months, so here they are.
Epidendrum Orchids are a neotropical genus of the Orchid family. There are over 1000 different species of Epidendrums – most are native to the tropic and subtropical regions of the Americas. They can be found from South Carolina to Argentina. The greatest variety of Epidendrums are found in the Andes Mountains of South America.
The genus – Epidendrum – gets it’s name from the Greek words for “upon trees”. Most Epidendrums are epiphytes – growing on another plant. Most Epidendrums grow on trees – getting moisture and nutrition from the air, the host plant, and debris that gathers around it.
Many varieties of Epidendrums can be grown indoors as house-plants. They can be grown in orchid potting mix. Be sure to provide support for long stems. For light – in the summer they prefer bright indirect light – in the winter – direct full light. They should be watered year round – less often in winter. Many varieties need to be misted daily.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my Epidendrum orchid photos. I’ll continue to keep my eye for more to photograph. They always look like such bright cheerful flowers to me. 🙂
Love the colors and the subtle differences in the flower forms.