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After taking  just over a year off from doing shows, I will be selling my wildflower photographs, notecards and my book at the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage in Gatlinburg, Tennessee from April 25-28.

Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage is a fantastic event. In it’s 62nd year, the Pilgrimage features guided hikes, lectures and presentations about the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the wildflowers you can find there. I’ve attended the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage for the past few years – and always have a wonderful time.

This year, I will have a booth with my photographs at the Mills Conference Center in Gatlinburg. Photos will be on sale at my 2011 show prices – a significant discount from my current web prices.

If you are in Gatlinburg for the Wildflower Pilgrimage – please stop by and say hi.