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Day Breaker Roses

One of the most incredible sections of Brookside Gardens is their rose garden. Every summer, there are incredible displays of many types of roses. For some reason, I didn’t do much photography in the Brookside Rose Garden this summer.

In late October, I made a quick trip over to Brookside to see if any flowers were still blooming. Temperatures had been dropping into the mid-30s at night, so I really didn’t expect to see much. You can imagine my surprise to see one set of roses still beautifully blooming.

The Day Breaker Roses were absolutely gorgeous. Here are a few photos of what probably are the last roses of the summer.

Day Breaker Rose (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Red Tailed Hawk

UPDATE:  The hawk has been identified as a Red-Tailed Hawk. Thanks Steve, Daniel and everyone on Flickr, FriendFeed, Twitter and Facebook who provided suggestions and resources to identify the hawk. I really appreciate all your help.

I photographed a hawk at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland this morning. Can anyone identify what type of hawk it is from the photos?


Red Tailed Hawk

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Red Tailed Hawk

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Red Tailed Hawk

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Red Tailed Hawk(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Red Tailed Hawk

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Passion Flowers

On a couple of recent trips to Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland, I was able to photograph some passion flowers. Both types I’ve seen have very large petals, with prominent stamens and styles.

The first one was photographed in July near the Butterfly garden. I believe it is an Incense Passion flower which is hybrid of two other types of passion flowers – Passiflora incarnata and Passiflora cinnicata.

Passion Flower (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

The second passion flower is a Ruby Glow Passion Flower. It is a variety of the Passiflora Alata and is located in the fragrance garden at Brookside.

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

I’ve noticed signs for other types of Passion Flowers at Brookside Gardens and at some of the other local public gardens. I’m definitely keeping an eye out for more of these amazing flowers.

Wings of Fancy II – More Butterflies from Brookside Gardens

I recently made a visit to Wings of Fancy – the butterfly exhibit at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. In its twelfth year, Wings of Fancy is an exhibit of free flying North American, Costa Rican and Asian butterflies in the South Conservatory. This year, the exhibit runs until September 21st.

Here are a few more of the butterflies I photographed this year.

A Grecian Shoemaker Butterfly from Costa Rica

Grecian Shoemake Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A Banded Orange Butterfly – also from Costa Rica

Banded Orange Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A monarch butterfly perched on a zinnia

Monarch Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

And finally – four butterflies that I haven’t been able to identify. If anyone knows what any of these are -I’d appreciate it if you could let me know.

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Wings of Fancy at Brookside Gardens is always wonderful to visit. I’m hoping to get one more visit in before the exhibit closes for the year on September 21.

Wings of Fancy – Butterflies at Brookside Gardens

I recently made a visit to Wings of Fancy – the butterfly exhibit at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. In its twelfth year, Wings of Fancy is an exhibit of free flying North American, Costa Rican and Asian butterflies in the South Conservatory. This year, the exhibit runs until September 21st.

This is the third year in a row I’ve spent some time at Wings of Fancy. Each year – there are new and different species of butterflies to see and photograph. Here are some of the photos of some of the Asian butterflies I took in August.

A Blue Clipper Butterfly

Blue Clipper Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A Tailed Jay Butterfly

Tailed Jay Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A Blue Tiger Butterfly perched on a purple flower

Blue Tiger Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A Common Lacewing Butterfly

Common Lacewing Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

And finally photos of two Paper Kite Butterflies

Paper Kite Butterfly (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Paper Kite Butterfly II (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Wings of Fancy is always fun to visit – and a great place to photograph butterflies. The exhibit runs until September 21st this year. It is open daily from 10 AM – 4 PM. Admission is $ 5.00 for adults, $ 4.00 for children.