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Summer in the Gardens

By now, regular readers of my blog have probably figured out that I love photographing flowers in local gardens. So for me – summer is one of my favorite times to be out photographing. When I head out to photograph, I never know what’s going to be in bloom or what I’m going to end up photographing that day.

In addition to photographing the lotus blossoms at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens and the sunflowers at McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area, I’ve spent some time at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, MD this summer. Here are some of my favorite flower photographs that I’ve taken so far this summer.

Jazz Echo Bearded Iris (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Golden Marguerite Daisy (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Yellow Coneflower (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Purple Coneflower (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Earlier this week, I made another visit to Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens. I ended up photographing some of the water lilies rather than the lotus blossoms I expected to photograph. These are two of my water lily photos from Monday morning.

Water Lily II (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Two Water Lilies (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Bleeding Hearts or Dicentra Spectabilis

One of my favorite spring flowers are Bleeding Hearts. In my area, they start blooming in mid-April, at about the same time most tulips are blooming. The pink and white flowers are heart shaped – and grow in a raceme with 3 to 15 flowers on it.

This year, I was able to photograph some gorgeous Bleeding Hearts at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, MD. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed the flowers.

Bleeding Heart Plant

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Bleeding Heart flowers

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Bleeding Hearts Flowers

Bleeding Hearts II (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Bleeding Hearts Flowers

Bleeding Hearts (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Bleeding Hearts Flowers

(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Crocuses, Daffodils and Hyacinths

What more can I say – it’s finally spring in the Washington DC area – and the flowers are really starting to bloom. I’ve managed several quick trips to local gardens in the past couple of weeks. Here are some of my favorite photos of the early spring flowers.

A cluster of purple crocuses from Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, MD

Purple Crocuses

Purple Crocuses (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A group of five Ceylon Daffodils – also photographed at Brookside Gardens

Ceylon Daffodils

Ceylon Daffodils (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

A cluster of Jumblie Daffodils photographed at McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda, Maryland

Jumblie Daffodils

Jumblie Daffodils (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

And finally a planter full of Woodstock Hyacinths from Brookside Gardens

Woodstock Hyacinths

Woodstock Hyacinths (c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Tulips are starting to bloom this week. Usually the tulip beds at Brookside Gardens are spectacular. I’m hoping to get there in the next few days to see what’s starting to bloom.

In the meantime – please enjoy the spring flowers I’ve been photographing.

Happy Spring – Time for Daffodils

For me, one of the sure signs that spring is almost here is when I see the first daffodils of the year. This year, since I had shows in South Carolina and Richmond, I saw my first daffodils a few weeks earlier than I expected. This week, they are finally starting to bloom in the Washington, DC area.

One of my favorite places to photograph daffodils is at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. Each year, hundreds if not thousands of daffodils of different types grow at the gardens.

Here are a few of our favorite daffodil photos we’ve taken in recent years at Brookside Gardens.

The first photo is a group of daffodils growing along the stream at Brookside Gardens

Yellow Daffodils

Daffodils (c) 2007 Patty Hankins

Here are a pair of white and yellow daffodils


Two Daffodils (c) 2004 Patty Hankins

Bill photographed this set of early daffodils with the contrasting purples of the delicate Glory in the Snow blossoms.

Daffodils and Glory in the Snow
Daffodils and Glory in the Snow (c) 2004 William Lawrence

In April 2007, a late snow provided the opportunity to photograph the daffodils with a few flakes of snow on them. Fortunately, it warmed up quickly, and the snow melted within a few hours.

Daffodils in the snow

Daffodils in the Snow (c) 2007 Patty Hankins

This is the first set of daffodils I’ve had a chance to photograph this year.


(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

The daffodils at Brookside Gardens should continue blooming for the next couple of weeks. I know I’ll be spending a lot more time there photographing them.

Japanese Pieris a.k.a. Japanese Andromeda

I went over to Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland this morning to see what is starting to bloom. Despite seeing some of my favorite flowers blooming, I spent most of my time photographing a Daisen variety of a Japanese Pieris or Japanese Andromeda bush.

I was fascinated by the look of the cascades of little pink and white flowers contrasting with the green leaves. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed photographing the flowers.

Daisen Japanese Pieris
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Daisen Japanese Pieris
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Daisen Japanese Pieris
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

Daisen Japanese Pieris
(c) 2008 Patty Hankins

For anyone in the DC area – the daffodils, dwarf irises and other early flowers are already blooming at Brookside. I’m sure I’ll be making several trips back to Brookside to photograph more flowers in the next few weeks.