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One of the sure signs that spring is almost here is when all the varieties of pansies and violas start appearing in local gardens. When I visited the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden a couple of weeks ago, there were violas all over the place. Here are a few of the varieties I photographed that afternoon.

Some purple violas – not sure which variety these are.


Purple Viola (c) 2009 Patty Hankins

Some Sorbet Yesterday Today Tomorrow Babyface Viola (OK who comes up with some of these names???)

viola_sorbet_ytt_babyface_5590Sorbet Yesterday Today Tomorrow Babyface Viola (c) 2009 Patty Hankins

viola_sorbet_ytt_babyface_5623Sorbet Yesterday Today Tomorrow Babyface Viola (c) 2009 Patty Hankis

And finally a very dramatic set of viola – the Angel Tiger Eye Viola.

viola_angel_tiger_eye_5677Angel Tiger Eye Viola (c) 2009 Patty Hankins

viola_angel_tiger_eye_5718Angel Tiger Eye Viola (c) 2009 Patty Hankins