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A couple of people have asked me recently – why am I suddenly sharing photographs of figure models – including nudes, implied nudes, and clothed? Haven’t I always been a flower and nature photographer?

The answer is – Bill and I started working with models a few years ago. We took a few classes at a local photograph school, then a few longer workshops, until we were ready to start working with models on our own. 

One of the reasons we started working with models was we wanted to expand our photography. We both started as nature and landscape photographers and we both still love photographing nature. But we wanted a new challenge and working with a figure model seemed to be something to explore. It also gave us the chance to learn about studio lighting.  And we found we really liked it. 



Wee discovered we could explore using the human form to show line and form, light and shadow in ways we couldn’t before. 

We also are able to express emotions in a new way in photographs. Experienced models can set the emotional mood of the photo through facial expressions and body language. When we work with the right models, we have creative partners to bring our ideas to life. 

If you’ve never worked with a figure model, I can assure you it’s unlike any other photography you’ve ever done before. It’s challenging, but you’re working with a model who really wants to bring your vision to life! 


We’re teaching our Photographing a Model in the Studio workshop with Gazelle Powers on December 7. We’d love to have you join us for the workshop. You can read all about the workshop at


If you have any questions about the workshop – just drop me a note. 

 And if you’re wondering – why nudes?? That’s easy – neither Bill nor I have a great sense of fashion – so when we work with nudes, we don’t have to figure out what to have the models wear.