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It’s that time of year again in Washington DC – Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. If you’ve never seen DC with all the cherry trees in bloom, you’ve missed the city at it’s absolute most beautiful. I spent a few hours at the Tidal Basin earlier this week. The Yoshino cherry blossoms were as beautiful as ever.

There is construction in front of the Jefferson Memorial this year – so I didn’t bother to take any photos with the monument in it. Instead, I just focused on the incredible delicate beauty of the blossoms. Here are some of my favorite photos of the Yoshino Cherry Blossoms.

Yoshino Cherry Blossoms(c) 2010 Patty Hankins

I really like this next photo of a set of white blossoms – with just one pink bud giving a hint of more beauty to come.

Yoshino Cherry Blossoms(c) 2010 Patty Hankins

One of the amazing features of the Yoshino Cherry Trees is how resilient they are. Some of the older trees have lost major branches over the years. What’s really neat is how even the older trees sprout new bunches of flowers, often right on the trunk where a branch used to be. There can be a wonderful contrast between the texture of the bark and old saw marks and the soft white of the blossoms.

Yoshino Cherry Blossoms(c) 2010 Patty Hankins

And finally a wider angle view of a branch full of blossoms.

Yoshino Cherry Blossoms(c) 2010 Patty Hankins

This year’s Yoshino Cherry Blossoms were absolutely spectacular. I can’t wait for next year so I can head into the city to see them again.